Haarlem Foodie

Are you a Haarlem Foodie? Show it!

The trend this summer: show that you’re a FOODIE. Wearing the only real Haarlem Foodie t-shirt or hoody. Get spotted with your Haarlem Foodie t-shirt, hoody or tank top and Win!

How do you order a Haarlem Foodie t-shirt, hoody or tank top?

Click on this link and select your preferred model (unisex or lady), and favorite color. If you are quick you you can proudly show your Haarlem Foodie outfit at the upcoming Food Festivals!

Join the Foodies Haarlem Summer action and Win!

Get spotted and photographed this summer with the Haarlem Foodie t-shirt, hoody or tank top and tagged in our Summer Action photo album and get a chance to win:

– one free three course dinner for one person at the popular Spanish restaurant in Haarlem Patxaran

– one free Proef! (Taste!) evening for one person at the Haarlem Wine Lady Gabrielle Salvatore‘s.

– one free bottle of wine, personally selected by Gabrielle Salvatore.

Haarlem Foodie

(Photo: Siebe van der Leij, Patxaran)

Haarlem Foodie Summer Action

(Photo: Philip Mees voor Gabrielle Salvatore)

Participation requirement

The action is exclusively for Haarlem Foodies followers.


What are you waiting for, like the Haarlem Foodies Facebook page, get tagged with your Haarlem Foodie t-shirt, hoody or tank top in the Haarlem Foodies Summer Action photo album and Win!

Do you see someone else in a Harlem Foodie outfit? Wish him / her the prize, take a picture of him / her and upload it in the Haarlem Foodies Summer Action photo album.