About Mirjam Boogaart
Mirjam was born and raised in theNetherlands. She started her adventures abroad when she was 21. She was especially drawn to Spanish speaking countries. Mirjam has lived and worked in Spain and Costa Rica for several years. Knowing from experience how rewarding it can be to feel at home in a new country as soon as possible, she is dedicated to making people feel at home in the NL.
Entries by Mirjam Boogaart
The real estate agent in control
/in Housing, Lifestyle/by Mirjam BoogaartFifty people showing up to see a house, knockout offers that takes a property of the market within a few hours, offers 20% above asking price: the housing market has turned from a buyer’s into a seller’s market within a year, which leaves the market in control of the sellers and the real estate agents.