Entries by Rachel Smets

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month June

In my goal to support expats, I interview expats frequently and bring you their true stories. The life of an expat…Is it all glamorous and fun, or rather difficult and lonely? This answer is different for everyone.  The one common thing for anyone arriving in a new country is that each person needs to adjust and […]

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month May

My goal is to support expats in many ways.  Arriving in a new country is such a change, and  how to feel ‘’at Home’’ can be a challenge.  How can an expat integrate easily? Each month’s I reveal a new story, with new tips included. This month I introduce you to Laertis. A true entrepreneur […]

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month March

In my goal to support expats, I take regular interviews, bringing you true stories. Being an Expat: Easy or Challenging? How do you become an Expat? What is the reason? Some hope to find a job, some join their partner, others are relocated by their company. Whatever the reason, each person needs to adjust and […]

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month February

In my goal to support expats, I present you this month’s interview. Let me introduce you to Joyce Poorter. She takes us all the way back to her Australian roots.  Being an Expat, was it easy or challenging? Why did she leave her native country?How did Joyce adjust and integrate into the ‘small’ Holland? Just sit […]

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month January

In my goal to support expats, I started regular interviews, bringing true stories to the surface. Being an Expat: Easy or Challenging? How do you become an Expat? What is the reason? Some hope to find a job, some join their partner, others are relocated by their company. Whatever the reason, each person needs to […]