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Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month June

In my goal to support expats, I interview expats frequently and…
interview Laertis

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month May

My goal is to support expats in many ways.  Arriving in a new…


Happy Anniversary! EXPATSHAARLEM TURNS 1! It has been…
Flower Parade

Flower Parade Bollenstreek 2015

The Bloemencorso Bollenstreek, or Flower Parade of the Bollenstreek…
sexual culture shock

Sexual Cultural Shock

“Is he good in bed?” Oh my Lord, did he just say that?? How…

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month April

In my goal to support expats, I present you this month’s interview.…

Serial will make you wish your commute was longer

“For the last year, I have spent every working day trying to figure out where a high school kid was for an hour after school one day in 1999.”
Interview month

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month March

In my goal to support expats, I take regular interviews, bringing…
Challenges of Expats

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month February

In my goal to support expats, I present you this month’s interview. Let…

Things NOT to Say to an Expat

ExpatsHaarlem's friend & worldwide known comedian Daniel-Ryan…
Long-distance relationships ( Photo by Flickr user liquene)

Long-distance relationships

Working as psychologist in Amsterdam I often meet people who…
energy lable

Energy label mandatory for all properties in the Netherlands – And this time they really mean it!!

Actually, in 2008 it was already mandatory but, as it was rather…
Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month January (Photo: Livia Maria Galassi)

Challenges of Expats – Interview of the month January

In my goal to support expats, I started regular interviews, bringing…
Thirty percent ruling

30% ruling

The 30% reimbursement ruling (better known as the 30% ruling)…
expatsHaarlem proudly presents: expatsHaarlem Housing

expatsHaarlem proudly presents: expatsHaarlem Housing

The expatsHaarlem Housing section is the latest service of expatsHaarlem.…

Remember Me: not your everyday holiday movie

Ho ho ho! As the days of Christmas are creeping up against…


CtheCity is an amazing experience where you have the opportunity to…
Primary school in the Netherlands (Photo: Arianna Ardia)

Primary school in the Netherlands

Compulsory education under Dutch law applies to children of all…
Beer Sommelier: "Beer tastes better tepid than cold" (Photo: Arianna Ardia)

Beer Sommelier: “Beer tastes better tepid than cold”

Social media are filled by complaints about tepid beer. The beers…

Living Abroad and Making Connections

It’s been four and a half years since I settled into Haarlem…
Are Dutch men the worst lovers in Europe? (Photo: Marco Alf)

Are Dutch men the worst lovers in Europe?

Do you know the feeling when you think there’s something wrong…
INTERVIEW DANIEL-RYAN SPAULDING (Photo: Arianna, Daniel, Novita)


Daniel-Ryan Spaulding, the Internationally-Touring Canadian Stand-Up…
Shit Expats Say in The Netherlands

Shit Expats Say in the Netherlands

Stand-up Comedian Daniel-Ryan Spaulding explores expat culture…
See the Netherlands by Train (Photo: Nick Ferrara)Nick Ferrara

See the Netherlands by Train

The weather is starting to get nice again and at least for me…