Five forms of childcare in the Netherlands – Part 2: Nanny Care/Childminder Care
Are you looking for high quality childcare for your baby or toddler? Or thinking at changing type of childcare? Read more about the five most common types of childcare in the Netherlands in a series of five articles. Today part 2: Nanny Care and Childminder Care plus the pros and cons of these types of care.
Care in a homely environment
A childminder provides care for children in her own home. A nanny cares for children in their home. Nannies and childminders can accommodate children from 0 to 13 years. Some nannies or childminders however choose to take care of children from 0 to 4 years only. A nanny or childminder received at least a child-directed training on MBO 2 level. There are also nannies and childminders who received a bachelor degree or a master degree plus a short child-directed training.
Maximum number of children per nanny/childminder
The amount of children a nanny or childminder can take care of depends on the age of the children. A nanny or childminder is allowed to take care of six children under 13 years of which:
• up to 5 children under 4 years
• up to 4 children under 2 years
• up to two children under 1 year
When accommodating 4 children or more, there should be a back-up nanny or childminder in case of emergencies.
Location requirements
For the location where the nanny/childminder takes care of the children there are design requirements. There must be sufficient space and for children up to 1,5 years separate sleeping space is required. There must also be sufficient play opportunities and the home must be non-smoking.
Benefits nanny care/childminder care:
• Nanny care/childminder care is small-scale, but your child still has playmates.
• The care is provided in a homely atmosphere, your child will feel comfortable quickly.
• Your child has only to do with one caretaker. Therefore a close relationship between the caretaker and your child can emerge. Your child does not get confused by seeing many different faces.
• If the nanny or childminder takes care of only a few children, your baby or toddler will receive more personal attention than at a daycare center.
• If the nanny or childminder provides care to no more than three or four children, the caretaker can offer more activities such as crafts, painting, dancing and making music than at a daycare center. This helps your baby or toddler to develop on social, personal and emotional level.
• If you choose a professional nanny or childminder, you can ask if she wants to educate your child from a particular theory or vision.
• If your child can not settle properly or cries a lot at a daycare center, for example because of too much stimuli, then nanny care or childminder care might provide a solution. You can search for a nanny or childminder who is well able to deal with this, who is quiet and who only takes care of a few children.
• For some children it is tiring to go to a daycare center many days a week. At home or at the home of a childminder, your child can relax more.
• Do you think that it is important that the caregiver of your child is highly educated? Then you can search specifically for a nanny or childminder who is HBO or university trained.
• Is your toddler very bright and you want him or her to be challenged by activities that are of a higher level? A nanny or childminder can offer this more easily to your child than a daycare center.
• The costs for nanny care or childminder care tend to be lower than the costs for a daycare center, especially when you have three or more children.
• During holidays you usually do not have to pay your nanny or childminder.
Disadvantages nanny care/childminder care:
• Is your nanny or childminder sick or does she go on holiday? The child-minding agency will try to arrange alternative care for you, but if they do not succeed, you need to arrange alternative care yourself.
• When your nanny or childminder is ill for longer than two days, you have to pay 70% of her salary up to six weeks.
• A nanny or childminder works alone. There is no social control as there is at a daycare center.
• The small size of nanny care or childminder care is especially pleasant for babies and toddlers. Is your child nearly four years old? Then he or she can get a greater need for more playmates of his or her own age and he or she might be ready for a more challenging environment.
Are you interested in reading more about the other forms of childcare? Read my previous article about Day Care or wait for my next articles about the subject.
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