The International School of Haarlem (ISH) will open their doors to welcome children from all over the world on Monday the 4th of September 2018. The school will begin with groups 0 – 7 (for children aged 4 – 11). From September 2018 the 1st and 2nd years of secondary school will also become available for children aged 11 -13 and further plans are in place to extend to all years of secondary school thereafter.
Until a permanent building (which can accommodate the plans for future expansion) is found the ISH will be situated just off the Leidsevaart on the Schreveliustraat 27, Haarlem, 2014 XP. The ISH school building adjoins the Eerste Christelijk Lyceum (ECL) who will use their own entrance on the Leidsevaart.
The ISH Vision is: Through interactive and meaningful learning our students will graduate as effective and responsible world citizens.
The ISH Mission is as follows: Our school offers a positive learning environment where students and teachers are encouraged to realise their full potential within a multicultural and international framework. Through internationally respected and recognised programmes we involve our students in meaningful learning. This means we focus not only on academic development, but also on learning the skills to become an active and engaged global citizen. Students will learn to view the world around them with empathy and responsibility.
Students will be educated using the British curriculum and the International primary curriculum (IPC). Furthermore, lessons will be taught by native English speaking teachers. Onsite International childcare in English will be available and provided by Op Stoom. Furthermore, ISH students will also receive Dutch language and cultural lessons by native Dutch speakers and have opportunities to integrate with local children from other schools.
As a Dutch international School the ISH is subsidised however there are applicable costs and pre-requisites for admission. For further information please refer to the ISH website – https://www.internationalschoolhaarlem.nl/ or contact info@internationalschoolhaarlem.nl.