Stormy weather ahead due to storms Dudley and Eunice

Stormy weather ahead due to storms Dudley and Eunice

Storms Dudley and Eunice are coming and you can feel it clearly this week. Thursday and Friday in particular promise to be two very turbulent days.

In the course of Wednesday we will gradually notice it: the wind is increasing and those are the first hints of two stormy days ahead. Thursday and Friday we will have to deal with a stormy west to northwest wind through Dudley and Eunice.

The center of gravity of the wind at storm Dudley is expected on Thursday in the Wadden area and in the head of North Holland. Friday, especially later in the day, it can also rage on the west coast as storm Eunice approaches.

Dudley and Eunice follow storm Corrie

The first official storm of this year, which two weeks ago wreaked and caused more than 10 million euros in damage in the Netherlands, was given the name Corrie. The storm was named after Corrie van Dijk. In 1964 she was the first female meteorologist to be employed by the KNMI.

Eunice also has a Dutch origin. Eunice Foot is considered one of the first climate scientists. She studied the heating of air by the sun and how that warming increased under the influence of carbon dioxide. Later this would be called the greenhouse effect.

Dudley was invented by the Scots, because that storm will mainly rage over Scotland and the United Kingdom.

Heavy wind gusts

There is a chance of very strong wind gusts along the entire coast. The anemometers may even point to 120 kilometers per hour. With the current weather forecast, there is a good chance that the storms will produce a code yellow and possibly a code orange.


[Source: AD]