Summer Comedy
Our Summer Comedy show will feature experienced and upcoming comedians of the international comedy scene. Join us for a Saturday night of laugther! Sunny square outside and Comedy Bar inside (so we can chill with a drink on the terrace in the break).
Online ticket price: €11,00 (€ 12,73 including Eventbrite transaction costs); €15 at the door.
- 07:00- 7:30 PM: Doors open. We are open from 200 for drinks at the bar beforehand. The Comedy Bar will also be open during the break and after the comedy.
- 7-30-8:45 PM: Comedy Show.
- 8:45-9:15 PM: Drinks for those who want to discuss the comedy or just have a chat and a drink.
Victoria Marshall
Fitness freak, fashion victim and arguably the rudest Canadian you’ll ever meet, Vic turned her tragic dating life into comedic stylings for your listening and viewing pleasure. Come be regaled with a story that will definitely make you feel better about your life. You’re welcome!
Carly Blair
I’m a not-your-typical-American American who’s been trying to shove my square peg-shaped self into Amsterdam’s round hole with admirable, or perhaps foolish, persistence for the last decade or so.
Taco Eijzenbach
Taco is 42 years old and still doesn’t know what he wants to be when he grows up. In the mean time, humour and self-deprecation keep him going. He thinks he still has a whole life ahead of him. Who knows? But he does have a lifetime of experience to share.
Alan Knaani
A neurotic, nebbish, overly pedantic Jewish-American comic? Wow, what a trendsetter. Alan Knaani decided against ‘breaking the mold’ because honestly who’s gonna clean up that mess. Watch this wisecracking mess of a person take a personality that should be fixed with medication and use it for some good old-
Jasper Nijzink
This comedian explores the topics he wasn’t allowed to discuss at the dinner table while growing up. Now he’s bringing them to the stage, with his personal brand of dark humor.
Enikő Varga
Eniko is an Amsterdam based comedian, originally coming from the world of improvi-sation. In her standup she is trying to understand the world, asking questions which are not being asked often enough in her view.
The Comedy’s venue is the monumental building Badhuis/Bathhouse.
The Badhuis was built in 1903 to a design by the architect S. Roog. This second public bath in Haarlem served as a bathhouse for the citizens of the Leidsebuurt, a working-class neighborhood that developed from 1876 on the western edge of Haarlem. It served until 1979. The Badhuis will now be turned over in a cozy comedy spot.