Things to do in Haarlem this September.
It is September already and as usual, there is something for someone in Haarlem this month.
On Saturday 1, is the end of the Haarlemse Muggenronde.
On Sunday 2, is another festival; Schalkwijk aan Zee! Which will be packed with live music, theatre, good food and other fun activities!
On Thursday 6, Taalthuis the Dutch Language school in Haarlem is having an open evening from 18:00.
On the 8 to the 9, for two days the city buzzes with performances, films, workshops and exhibitions in the field of theatre, dance, visual arts, music, literature and everything in between with the Haarlem Cultuur Festival.
At the same time, on the 8 to the 9, is open monuntendagen, where 65 monuments throughout Haarlem will be open to the public for free.
On Tuesday 11, is the Dutch Language Cafe sponsored by Taalthuis.
On Sunday 16, is a charity swim in the Spaarne, Haarlem City Swin to Fight Cancer.
On Sunday 30, is another marathon in Haarlem, Vitaminstore Haarlem.
End of month drink time and date to be confirmed.