5 rookie mistakes to avoid before you quit your corporate job
You’re ready to quit your corporate job, but you want to make sure you never have to go back! That’s why you should not take the leap of faith! The leap of faith is dangerous and risky.
Instead, having a plan to transition carefully will help you to ensure that you don’t take a big pay cut.
In this video I take you through 5 rookie mistakes to avoid before you quit your corporate job so that you can transition the smart way. Here are actions and thoughts shifts that will help you on your journey to freedom.
Video Chapters:
00:00 – Introduction
01:16 – Money
02:16 – Knowing you
02:51 – Honest truth
04:08 – TRY
05:37 – Money comes fast
06:33 – Your mindset
06:55 – 95%
07:04 – Belief
07:32 – Stay in corporate if…
07:51 – People calling you crazy!
08:14 – Life saver
08:35 – Free guides for your escape
Watch this video so you can live your dreams!
Great! Thank you for posting!!!!