Entries by Anikó Alma Szörényi

Haarlem Talks with author Buan Boonaca.

Spring is absolutely here finally! It seems like we can say goodbye to the cold weather for a while now. So, we decided to treat you this month. In April the subject of HaarlemTalks is a very special someone! Meet Buan Boonaca, an American author whose book, Accumulation has been launched just recently on Amazon. […]

Haarlem Talks with Giulia from Italy.

This is the second month of the new year and it is time to meet a new expat who lives in Haarlem. Giulia came from Italy, she was always fascinated by northern countries. She works as an engineer and as a hobby she makes youtube videos. She is working on a project: 10 funny facts […]

Haarlem Talks; with Philipp from Germany

Welcome to the Haarlem Talks in 2018! This is the first interview of the year so enjoy to get to know Philipp who comes from Dresden, Germany, works as a project coordinator at an environmental organization, plays baseball and thinks Haarlem is an excellent spot from where you can explore nature, culture, and nightlife!

Being an expat as a child

When I came here to the Netherlands I quickly realized that this was a whole new and very different experience then what it felt like to be an expat as a child. I was born in Hungary, I lived with my parents in Budapest, started elementary school there, I struggled to learn English, made friends […]

Haarlem Talks -with Tero Angeria

Happy November! Now that the last month of autumn has arrived we should enjoy the last moments of it with hot chocolate, nice autumn walks, and the Haarlem Talks, of course! This month we would like to introduce you to a new expat. To find out how it felt for him to move here and […]

Haarlem Talks – Samantha Caputo

Welcome to Haarlem Talks! This is a new monthly interview series for ExpatsHaarlem. Being an expat myself I was interested in a lot of things other expats think, feel or experience living in Haarlem. In Haarlem Talks, we get to know a new Haarlem expat every month through a series of questions regarding, lifestyle, likes, […]