Spring photo contest 2105

Haarlem Photo Club Spring photo contest 2105: the winners

Back in May we had this photo contest where our members could upload their best spring photo. We received some nice ones, some that were a bit less nice and a few outstanding photos that really gave us that crisp new spring feeling. Our jury chose a winner and selected 12 other photos.

According to our jury, the picture that did this in the best way, combined with skillful photography was the one of our winner. He took a photo that is colorful, light and a true celebration of new life.

Our jury


Danijel Dorđevićprofessional events and observed portraiture photographer from Haarlem. You can find more about Danijel on his website  www.danijelphotography.com




The winner

Naveen Narain

Spring contest

The Jury’s top 8 selection of the other photos (not in any aspecific order)

Wishwas Abhyankar

Spring contest

Menno Janzen

Spring contest

Anna Franca Didonna

Spring Contest

Benoit Nicolet

Spring Contest

Dawn Black
Spring Contest

Shona Bee

Spring Contest

Bernadet Gribnau

Spring Contest

Lentje Nederland

Spring Contest

An extra selection of the Jury

Having the chance of selecting a second photo of a photographer, these are some of Danijel’s favourite photos:

Naveen Narain

Spring Contest

Wishwas Abhyankar

Spring Contest