Back to school!
If you’re a parent, you’ll be more than aware that children in Noord-Holland go back to school on Monday 22 August. Maybe you’re even scratching off the days on your calendar 😉 .
Change can be difficult for kids and starting at a new school – in a different country no less – can be tough. And also re-starting again in a new class can be a challenge. Brush up on some tips to make the transition easier.
As an international parent, you may also be considering everything your child needs to settle into their new class or school, no matter if they’re at a Dutch or international school. If you still didn’t do it, try to upcoming weeks to speak with your child’s teacher so you can gather helpful information and:
- Ask about the school’s plan to help international students adjust.
- Find out how a typical day is structured and explain it to your child
- Ask for the general rules of the school
- Look to find out what barriers other international pupils encountered
- See if your kid needs to bring a snack or lunch and what is expected to bring at school. You might buy a new lunchbox at Hema, Blokker or Action to put the meal in.
- Check and see if they have physical education classes and whether they need to bring anything special, like shoes or shorts or towels.
- Ask if there is a school mailing system with all the necessary information. And if it’s in English as well. Check also if there is a parent’s information WhatsApp group.
- Research how drop-off and pick-up works. Can you come into the classroom, or do you have to wait outside? If you need to meet your child somewhere, show them where they need to go in advance.
Do you still have questions you’d like to discuss with another international parent or are you wondering how to enliven those Wednesday afternoons when the younger kids are free from class?
> > Join the expatsHaarlem Parents & Kids Facebook group to keep updated of activities or connect with other parents.
Succes voor de eerste schooldag!
Please, help us to enrich this list of tips with yours in the comments.