Deliver a relevant swim performance. Get sponsored by all your family, friends and colleagues and raise money for groundbreaking cancer research together with hundreds of others. Swim to fight cancer on Sunday, September 18th, 2022 in the river Spaarne in Haarlem.
Fight cancer Foundation
Swim to Fight Cancer is an initiative of the Fight cancer Foundation, which was created in 2014 by a number of enthusiastic and driven people with a great idea: a unique swim in natural outdoor water, where participants and teams raise as many donations as possible for cancer research. A beautiful initiative that in recent years has grown into a successful event that is organized throughout the Netherlands. It is great to see how many people participate each year, all with a personal motivation to jump into the water. Adults swim about 2 kilometers and children 500 meters. By now, Swim to Fight Cancer has made a huge contribution to cancer research by talented researchers who work hard every day for a breakthrough!
With Swim to Fight Cancer the Fight Cancer Foundation wants to create a distinctive and challenging event in a surprising setting and with a strong message, thus generating maximum attention for their mission: to realize a world in which cancer hopefully no longer needs to be a deadly disease. Their ambition is to get thousands of Fighters moving every year with Swim to Fight Cancer and raise funds for cancer research. With Swim to Fight Cancer – they offer people a platform to turn their feelings of powerlessness into positivity and strength.
Curious about where else they swim? Then visit the homepage at www.swimtofightcancer.nl.