3 steps to reopen the Netherlands gegenwind Unsplash

3 steps to reopen the Netherlands

The Netherlands is going to open up. Not all at once, but…
cycle routes

Cycle routes: Navigating the Fietsroute Knooppunt system

Getting on your bike and pedaling to the supermarket or into…
ready to quit corporate job

5 rookie mistakes to avoid before you quit your corporate job

You’re ready to quit your corporate job, but you want to make…
Press conference: most coronavirus restrictions relaxed until10pmTima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

Press conference: most coronavirus restrictions relaxed until 10pm

From 5am tomorrow morning, a number of corona measures will be…
my books 2021

The 8 books I loved in 2021

Old and new, fiction and real, funny and sad, these are my favourite…
Train smart new year resolution

Train smart: The fitness of the future!

Here we are again, January. The time of the year you feel the…
Lockdown in the Netherlands to buy time ahead of Omicron surgeLewis Ashton

Lockdown in the Netherlands to buy time ahead of Omicron surge

The Netherlands is going back into lockdown from Sunday morning…
Free Online Course: Introduction to Aromatherapy

Free Online Course: Introduction to Aromatherapy

In this Aromatherapy Class for Beginners you will discover Aromatherapy. This course initiates you into the world of essential oils and aromatherapy, and the strength and well-being they can create.
Earlier Coronavirus press conference on Friday, as hospital problems mount

Coronavirus press conference this Friday, as hospital problems grow

Demissionary prime minister Mark Rutte and health minister Hugo…
Sound journey

A journey you won’t forget

Did you know our body works as an orchestra? At the opera or…
In which countries do people exercise most around the world and what stops them doing more?Emma Simpson on Unsplash

In which countries do people exercise most around the world and what stops them doing more?

A new global Ipsos study conducted with the World Economic Forum…
Healthy vs Unhealthy gaming

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Gaming: Tips for Parents

Many parents have concerns about video gaming and their children…
Press conference: Light lockdown and 2G policy to comeMatt Seymour

Press conference: Light lockdown and 2G policy to come

The Netherlands will be going into a three-week light lockdown.…
New coronavirus measures: face masks are back, more working at home again and coronapass entry in more locations

New coronavirus measures: face masks are back, more working at home again and coronapass entry in more locations

The government  has announced this second of November, 2021,…

Breathe yourself free!

Release. Let go. Easier said than done. We all have things we…
As of 25 September, we no longer have to stay 1.5 metres from others. The coronavirus entry pass system is being introduced

Netherlands to reopen further with coronavirus entry pass

As of 25 September, we no longer have to stay 1.5 metres…
Emotional eating


Do you eat when you feel stressed, sad, happy, lonely, bored…
free COVID self-testsDimitri Karastelev

Ordering free COVID self-tests

The Dutch government has announced that between 10 August and…
Coronavirus vaccinations without appointmentUnsplash

Coronavirus vaccinations without appointment

Have you not been vaccinated against COVID-19 yet but do you…
No restrictions for on-site learning but other measures against COVID-19 extendedDaniel Schludi

No restrictions for on-site learning but other measures against COVID-19 extended

This week saw the 22 millionth dose of vaccine administered.…
Understanding healthcare system in Haarlem

Understanding Non-Emergency Healthcare In Haarlem

The Dutch healthcare system is one of the best in the world,…
2021 penis size

Which nationalities have the biggest and the smallest penises?

Even if you don't want to admit it, you are curious about the…

What’s that noise coming from the painting?

Imagine you are lying on the couch, thinking about the beauty…
7 steps to get unstuck

Are you stuck? Here are 7 steps to create the life you desire.

Are you fed up working hard every day? Do you want to finally…
proof that the vaccine works

Proof that the corona-vaccine works

The age of corona patients admitted to hospital is shooting down.…
Tips for phone addiction

Are you in a toxic relationship with your smartphone?

Smartphones have become an accepted part of our personal and…
summer holiday parks

Best holiday parks in the Netherlands for an unforgettable summer

Summer holidays are around the corner! If you are already thinking…